Find Momo

Canadian Andrew Knapp is a guy who has a dog. His name is Momo.
“Hi, Momo!”


Momo is a Border Collie who happens to like to hide. Well, almost.

A couple of years ago when Andrew noticed Momo’s passion for hiding, he took a few landscape photos in which Momo was hiding, and invited his friends to find him. They did, and they enjoyed it so much that Andrew took more of the same. And not much later, he found himself surrounded by a huge following of people on Instagram, who were all eager to #findmomo

(I wonder if the red bandana Momo always wears is a reference to Waldo.)

He now has a fancy website and a book (on a completely unrelated note, my birthday is in June). They’ve been traveling around America in a cute yellow van, meeting people. How nice!

This is them, doing what they do best.

But anyway, let’s find Momo!


But, as much as I enjoy finding Momo, my favorites are still the actual photos of Momo, who is an absolutely adorable cutie pie. I mean look:

Well, that was about as much narrowing down as I managed to do. Otherwise I would’ve posted everything. Hope you enjoyed meeting Momo!


Website : andrewknapp

Source: Find-Momo

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